Luxury in the Heart of the City Luxury in the Heart of the City , which is composed of 59 stores located just in the heart of this very special project, that is built on the construction area of 310.000 m2 and composed of 2.550 houses, offers unique combination of luxury and comfort in a […]
THE SPARKLING STAR of ISTANBUL Lake Life , redefines the concept of luxury housing, and a historic opportunity of investment awaits you in European side of istanbul. The project Lake Life, situated at the most valuable location of Büyükçekmece , being 20 min. from Istanbul Airport, 5 min. from E5 highway, 1 min. from […]
Family Suit A City That Will Envy Istanbul! Family Suit, built on 100.000 m² of land, invites you not only to a project but to a new life. While your living space offers you the comfort and innovation you are looking for; With its landscaping area of 73,000 m2, Family Suit will surround you with […]
Stylish Apartments in City Centre Stylish Apartments in City Centre gathers investors with their dreamy life with its modern architecture, innovative design that keeps track of time and multiple housing options. The project will show its style among other housing projects in the region. Stylish Apartments in City Centre which includes 882 apartments and 19 […]
It is a housing project developed in the European side of Istanbul in Beylikduzu district. The project built on a land area of 44.426 square meters, and 20.500 square meters of it are green areas, and it consists of 9 blocks and contains 1.158 flats and 113 commercial units. The project contains more than 50 […]